Cinnamon is the dried inner stem bark of Cinnamomum Verum. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is a bushy evergreen tree, belonging to the family of Lauraceae. It is growing in many parts of the world including Kerala, India. The bark is widely used as a spice in food. Cinnamon was once more valuable than gold and was associated with ancient rituals. The bark is removed from the tree, made into pieces, dried in sunlight for at least 5 days and are packed in bundles for trade. The Cinnamon oil is extracted from leaves and tender twigs by distillation.
Benefits: Cinnamon is an Antibacterial & Antifungal agent. It treats stomach ailments that results in flatulence & bloating. It is used as an ingredient in Cough syrups and acts as a cure for Diarrhea, Digestive system, Diabetes and nausea and vomiting. Ground cinnamon is recommended to stop Diarrhea & Dysentery. Anti- inflammatory & astringent properties which effectively treat toothache & rheumatoid joint pains.
The properties of Cinnamon like antioxidant and antimicrobial enhances the life of foods. Cinnamon bark and oil are used in many dishes especially non veg dishes, syrups, chocolates, spicy candies etc. They are also used in tea and coffee. The bark oil is used as an anti-fungal component and leaf oil is mostly used in perfumery and cosmetics. It is also used as a flavouring agent in pharmaceuticals. Cinnamon bark is used as an essential ingredient spice with a delicate fragrance and a warm taste. It gives a dish a very rich flavour. Ground cinnamon is used in baked items like biscuits and cakes
India is the land of spices & ayurveda herbs which plays a magnificent role in the global spices market. Kerala is the southern state of India, known as, “God’s Own Country”.