Horse Gram

Horse Gram

Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) is a legume native to tropical southern Asia, commonly grown for horse feed and occasionally for human consumption and in Ayurvedic cuisine. It is consumed as a whole seed, as sprouts, or as whole meal in India, popular in many parts of India.

Benefits: Horse gram is rich source of protein and vitamins. It is known for the diuretic and anti-oxidant properties. It treats common Cold and Fever, control Diabetes, treat Constipation, Piles, Ulcers, lower Cholesterol levels, Skin Rashes and Boils. Horse Gram Soup is good for kidney, bladder & gall stones. It is good for glowing skin, promotes weight loss, improves Sperm count, protects Liver functions and useful in treating amoebic diarrhea, bowel hemorrhage & colic pains due to its anthelmintic.