Green Gram

Green Gram

Green gram (Vigna radiata) is a plant species in the legume family. It is mainly cultivated in East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. It is used as an ingredient in both savoury and sweet dishes.

Benefits: Green gram is packed with high important vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. High Antioxidant Levels may reduce chronic disease risk, it may prevent Heat stroke, may Lower “Bad” LDL Cholesterol levels, reducing Heart disease risk, It is rich in Potassium and Magnesium. It helps to reduce Blood pressure. Fiber and Resistant Starch in it may Aid Digestive Health. Nutrient composition may lower Blood Sugar levels, Promote weight loss by suppressing hunger and raising fullness hormones. Folate in it can support a healthy pregnancy.

Green grams can be used in place of most other beans in dishes like curries, salads and soups. These beans have a slightly sweet taste and are often made into a paste in Asian desserts. They can also be enjoyed sprouted, both raw and cooked. The sprouted beans are best enjoyed in stir-fry meals and curries. Sprouted Green grams contain fewer calories but have more antioxidants and amino acids (body is unable to produce on its own).